The Energy Consumption of Space Heaters

Discover the energy consumption of space heaters and their impact on electricity costs. Learn about different types of heaters and find energy-saving tips.
Ted Curley
Journeymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in...Read more

Ted Curley
Journeymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in...Read more

In this article, we'll be talking about the energy consumption of space heaters and whether or not they use a lot of electricity. We'll explore how space heaters work, and their energy efficiency, and provide some tips on how to use them wisely to save on electricity costs. By the end of the article, you'll have a clearer understanding of the impact space heaters can have on your energy consumption. So, let's get started!

The Energy Consumption of Space Heaters

Factors Affecting Energy Consumption

When it comes to heating our homes, space heaters are a popular choice due to their convenience and efficiency. However, one question that often arises is whether these devices use a significant amount of electricity. In this article, I will explore the energy consumption of space heaters and provide insights into the factors that affect their efficiency.

There are several factors that can impact the energy consumption of space heaters.

Firstly, the wattage of the device plays a crucial role. Space heaters come in various wattage options, ranging from as low as 500 watts to as high as 1500 watts or more. Higher-wattage models tend to consume more electricity, while lower-wattage ones offer a more energy-efficient option.

The size and insulation of the space being heated also influence energy consumption. Smaller spaces require less energy to heat, making them more efficient. Additionally, well-insulated rooms retain heat better, resulting in reduced energy wastage.

Types of Space Heaters

There are several types of space heaters available on the market, each with its own energy consumption characteristics. Let's take a closer look at some of the most common types:

Electric Space Heaters

Electric space heaters are widely popular due to their ease of use and affordability. These heaters typically operate by converting electricity into heat through a resistive heating element. They come in various forms, including fan-forced, radiant, and convection heaters.

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In terms of energy consumption, electric heaters are considered to be relatively efficient. However, their efficiency can vary depending on factors such as wattage, thermostat settings, and usage patterns. It is important to select an electric space heater with an appropriate wattage for your heating needs to maximize energy efficiency.

Gas Space Heaters

Gas space heaters, powered by natural gas or propane, are another common option. These heaters utilize a flame or combustion process to produce heat. Because they burn fuel, gas space heaters tend to have a higher heat output compared to electric models.

In terms of energy consumption, gas space heaters can be more cost-effective than electric ones, especially in areas where natural gas is readily available and affordable. However, it is important to note that gas heaters require proper ventilation to prevent the buildup of carbon monoxide, making them more suitable for open spaces or well-ventilated rooms.

Oil-Filled Space Heaters

Oil-filled space heaters, also known as radiator heaters, use electrical energy to heat oil sealed within their metal casing. As the oil heats up, it radiates heat into the surrounding environment. These heaters are known for their silent operation and ability to retain heat even after being turned off.

In terms of energy consumption, oil-filled space heaters are considered to be quite efficient. They work by maintaining a consistent temperature, rather than constantly cycling on and off, which can help reduce overall energy usage.

Infrared Space Heaters

Infrared space heaters produce heat through invisible infrared rays. These rays heat objects and people directly, rather than heating the ambient air. Infrared heaters are known for their instant heat and directional warmth.

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In terms of energy consumption, infrared heaters are generally considered to be energy-efficient. They heat objects directly, which means that less energy is wasted on heating the air. However, it's important to note that their effectiveness can depend on factors such as the size of the room and the distance between the heater and the objects being heated.

Comparison of Energy Efficiency

Now that we have explored the different types of space heaters and their energy consumption characteristics, let's compare their energy efficiency.

In terms of overall energy efficiency, electric space heaters are typically considered to be the most efficient. They convert almost all the electricity they use into heat. However, it's essential to choose a model with the appropriate wattage and features to ensure optimal efficiency.

Gas space heaters can also be cost-effective options, especially in regions with affordable natural gas prices. However, they require proper ventilation and can pose safety risks if not used correctly.

Oil-filled space heaters, with their ability to retain heat, are also energy-efficient choices. They provide a steady and even heat, reducing energy usage over time.

Infrared space heaters offer efficient spot heating, but their range and effectiveness can vary depending on the environment and proximity to heated objects.

Energy-Saving Tips

Regardless of the type of space heater you choose, there are several energy-saving tips that you can follow to reduce your overall energy consumption:

  • Set the thermostat at a comfortable temperature and avoid overheating the room.
  • Use a programmable thermostat or timer to regulate heating based on your needs and schedule.
  • Ensure that your space is well-insulated to minimize heat loss.
  • Use a space heater in conjunction with other heating methods, such as central heating or a fireplace, to reduce reliance on the space heater alone.
  • Keep doors and windows closed when using a space heater to prevent heat from escaping.
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Alternative Heating Options

While space heaters can be a convenient and efficient option for heating individual rooms, there are also alternative heating options worth considering:

  • Central heating systems: These systems provide heating throughout an entire home and can be more energy-efficient in the long run.
  • Heat pumps: Heat pumps use energy from the outside air or ground to heat or cool a space, making them highly energy-efficient.
  • Pellet stoves: Pellet stoves burn compressed wood pellets for heat and can be a sustainable alternative to traditional heating methods.


In conclusion, the energy consumption of space heaters varies depending on several factors, such as the type of heater, wattage, and usage patterns. Electric, gas, oil-filled, and infrared space heaters all have different energy consumption characteristics, and it is important to consider these factors when selecting a heater.

To maximize energy efficiency, choose a space heater with an appropriate wattage for your needs, ensure proper insulation, and follow energy-saving tips. Additionally, consider alternative heating options like central heating systems, heat pumps, or pellet stoves for more efficient and sustainable heating solutions. Stay warm and energy-conscious this winter!

Ted CurleyJourneymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in various roles. Let me take you through my journey and my passion for electricity and space heaters. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line at

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