Superior Water Heating System: Selection Tips

Purchasing new water heating systems has definitely become easier due to cost-efficient features and affordable prices.
Ted Curley
Journeymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in...Read more

Ted Curley
Journeymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in...Read more

The market is filled with numerous options for domestic water heating system installations. To make the right kind of choice for a chosen residence follow our expert tips and advice, and choose the best water heating system to fit the budget.

Initially, the water heating system is the second largest energy user at any type of residence. That is why it is crucial to select carefully the right type of water heating solution because it is going to last for years. Buying a hot water unit does not have to be an issue anymore.

Consider these simple factors to make the job easier

  1. Type of fuel source: electricity, gas, oil or solar;
  2. Initial price;
  3. Operating costs;
  4. Size of the system that includes such parameters: storage tank, tankless, the purpose of use;
  5. Favorite brand of heating systems: AO Smith, Noritz, Rheem, Rinnai, etc.
  6. Quality;
  7. General and consumers’ reviews about the quality;
  8. Regular repair costs;
  9. Parts cost & availability;
  10. Available features such as sediment build-up protection and modulation.

Basic Types of Water Heaters

There are many effective solutions for residential and commercial water heating, and we are eager to cover the basic water heating systems available on the market today. Using our professional and helpful tips, the selections of the right model will go faster and easier.

There are 4 types of water heaters depending on energy source:

  • Gas Water Heaters
  • Electric Water Heaters
  • Solar Water Heaters
  • Oil Water Heaters

Gas Water Heaters

Many water heater reviews are based on the initial fuel source. As the gas appliance use the source of propane or natural gas or LP., these models are found to have a high energy factor the EF. The advantage of these systems the hot water is being produced at a cheaper fuel cost.

Being a homeowner is a very responsible undertaking, yet at the same it is highly rewarding. When it comes to making decision in purchasing and installing a water heater, selecting a gas water heater is the wisest decision. Many homeowners have to face the issue of hot water heater replacement due to many reasons—economical reasons being one of them.

Some clients might be particularly fond of electric water heaters, but taking a closer look at gas water heaters will allow them to see numerous advantages. For instance, gas water heaters are designed to operate using less than 50% of the cost of other water heating devices. Experts have pointed out that hot water heaters take second place in energy efficient conventional houses, which brings us to a logical conclusion—the use of heaters will provide 50% less savings in comparison to electric water heaters.

Finding economical solution for your home is a rewarding matter. Being highly popular among many homeowners, gas water heaters provide non-stop continuous hot water support around the clock. Luckily, after gas water heater installation, the homeowner will have the “luxury” of having a long hot shower and after that, the homeowner will be able to run a dishwasher in the early morning as well. Throughout the duration of both of these occurrences, the water temperature will continue to be hot—not lukewarm water. Many homeowners know have felt the annoyance of having to “wait for the hot water” to be ready which is why purchasing and installing a gas water heater is one of the wisest investments—an investment that saves your precious time.

Size Tank

As a result, gas water heaters work faster and cost less than electric heaters. One of the most important factors to keep in mind is the size of the gas water heater tank used in a particular household. In order to avoid the “wait for the hot water” situation from new purchased gas heaters, it is important that you select the right size tank. Many homeowners choose the 40 gallon tank capacity, which allows 3-4 occupants to use it daily, and at the same time, this house may have at least 2 bathrooms and a washing machine. If a person has a small apartment or lives alone, a gas water heater with a smaller tank will suffice. Keep in mind that larger households with active teenagers tend to use a lot of hot water, in addition to a dishwasher. Households such as this will require a larger water heater tank.

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Technical Features

Gas water heaters differ from one to the other, but they almost always come equipped with highly durable materials including manifold installation, high-altitude capability, a thermostat as well as remote control features. In particular, this type of gas water heater allows for continuous hot water as well as external energy saving features. These devices usually have self-diagnostic systems, at least -30F freeze protection and a built-in electric blower. Choosing from a number of high-quality brand gas water heaters is highly beneficial because it will allow you to save money in the long run.

Electric Water Heaters

Another type of water heaters is electrically based. These appliances are great or should we say a viable solution to gas water heating systems. Experts point out that the #1 advantage of these models is the low initial cost price. The second advantage is the simple installation process. The troubleshooting has simplified structure while the safety features are high.

The market today is filled with various water heating devices that are found to be highly useful in the household. Having a water heating system that is good for continuous hot water providing is of great benefit because it enables one to have the hot “luxury” the minute it is needed. One may be tired of having to wait for another hour until “newly” heated water arrives that is why it is crucial to select the right type of water heater that will provide the necessary amount of hot water for a particular household.

The Technology

Electric water heaters where invented some time ago, and they have been extremely popular since then. While some people may think that electric water heating technology is somewhat primitive,  it is highly useful. In the past decade, electric water heaters have gone through a number of changes and technological advancements that have had positive impact one electric water heaters design. Imagine a huge water tank that has an electrical coil that is firmly placed inside. In order to deliver hot water, the coil is connected to an electrical source. It is  turned on and the coil heats up the water and provides it for household use.

Installation & Insulation

When electric water heater installation takes place, the necessary insulation procedures are performed. They are performed for 2 basic reasons. The first reason is that electricity is passed through the electric water heater’s coil inside the tank. It is insulated outside so that no one gets shocked when touching the outside of the tank. The second reason for proper insulation is not to lose the heat and not to allow it to dissipate quickly. If the heat becomes dissipated then higher power bills will result.

Why the popularity of
electric water heaters decrease?

Today the popularity of electric water heaters has suffered a little damage because the government has made special tax concessions in order for customers to purchase gas-powered tankless water heaters. But many homeowners stay true to their own preferences and continue to choose electric water heaters. Also, as power bills have increased, some homeowners have considered switching to other types of water heating devices, but staying true to one selected model of electric water heaters seems to be more of a “classic” choice.  

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The industry offers a great number of electric water heaters from reputable brands. Attention should be paid to the use of high quality materials, manufacturer warranty and long term use of these household essential devices.  Electric water heaters brands include Bosch, Intermatic, General Electric, Eemax, Stiebel Eltron, etc. as a result clients have wide selection to choose from today.

Oil Water Heaters

The oil-water heating systems operate at higher combustion temperatures. They use mixed fueling and may use both gas and electrical device units.

The market is filled with various options for selecting and purchasing different types of water heaters. Choices include electric water heaters, gas water heaters, tankless water heaters, etc. Also, the market is filled with brand names and quality solutions for purchasing oil water heaters. When selecting an oil water heater to buy, there are several main factors to consider. While some experts rant about the troubled times, and may even say that purchasing an oil water heater is a type of wasteful expenditure, maybe the market is misled. The most common misconception today that makes some clients skeptical about purchasing oil water heaters is that they are too expensive to run compared to other types of water heaters . Nevertheless, oil water heaters have numerous advantages that are certainly worth considering

Getting a Closer Look

Oil water heaters definitely have a number of worthy advantages that clients should be aware of. Firstly, an oil water heater is a viable household appliance investment because of its high recovery rate. Its recovery rate is much higher than that of other types of heaters. This means that the oil water heater is able to provide more energy with the fuel that is burnt than other types. Simply said, it heats more water in very single minute during the heater’s operation. As a result, the owner will have much lower utility bills because oil water heater’s operating costs actually are very low. Another advantage is that it takes less time to heat the water when it is needed the most. All in all, having a domestic oil water heater is definitely a worthy investment.

Oil Water Heater Installation

Essentially,   oil water heater installation must only be performed by licensed professionals. It is easy to find professionals to perform the installation by searching your local listings. These professionals must be licensed to perform this type of installation as well as carrying out the mechanical tasks that are involved. While the Internet is filled with DIY advice on how to perform the installation,   after having purchased purchasing a quality oil water heating device, it must be installed by professionals in order to ensure the long-lasting use of the given brand model.

Safety & Benefit Ratio

It is true that electrical or gas powered heaters may look to be cheaper while operating, but it is also true that the factor of the cost vs. benefit ratio must be closely reviewed at it is an important factor to consider. It must be noted that oil water heater technology is environmentally friendly and provides long term usage. Safety is another supportive factor. Additionally, these devices have compact design and are simple to operate.

Solar Water Heaters

The solar water heating systems gain more popularity due to their technological simplicity level. The cost-free solar water heating systems use a renewable source of solar energy. Being a popular life-long investment, these systems will definitely pay up in the long run.

Fortunately, we live in  times of change when superior new technological advancements have great influence on our lives. This applies to the use of so-called “regular” or essential household technologies like water heating. With the numerous options available on the market today, solar water heating technology plays an important role. It could be said that it is the way forward because  solar water heaters are the most eco-friendly way to get hot water running in a home.

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Why to Use?

Solar water heating  technology came to life about a decade ago. It has been greatly improved to provide the necessary water heating results needed by many households today. When a homeowner installs a solar water   it means that money is going to be saved. Today, at least 30% – 50% energy bills comes from water heating. This is significant, but solar water heaters are able to substantially lower the energy bills as well as to protect the environment. Solar water heaters are ergonomic and completely non-power-dependent. These superior quality devices may be used in any kind of environment or climate. These system are eco-friendly and energy smart which makes them the choice number one for household water heating.

The Technology

As a majority of homes are replacing traditional heaters with solar technology, it is time for us to review how solar water heaters work. The essential parts of solar water heaters include solar collectors and storage tanks. While the initial water heating process seems to be  simple, it needs some discussion. The solar panels or the so-called solar collectors are installed on the house roof. They collect the heat directly from the sun and then transfer the energy to the water containing pipes to initialize the heating process. After that, the hot water is  stored in the storage tanks. The work principle of conventional water heaters includes the use of electricity, natural gas or oil in the water heating process. With solar water heaters none of these conventional power sources are required allowing a long term saving on power bills.

Active & Passive Options

The water heating process uses the two types, they include the active and the passive water heaters work. Able to be used in the freezing temperatures, the heaters work with the help of fluids and pipes that allow heating the water the needed temperature. The passive solar water heaters use the ICS, Integral Collector Storage. The water is stored in black painted tanks.   The water absorbs the sun rays’ heat and then is pushed to the pipes.

Several important factors must be considered before making a final selection of the solar water heating system. The geographical location must be considered as well as the size of the house in order to calculate the required number of solar heating panels.

Choose from numerous water heaters and reputable brands. It will allow you to save money on the lowest prices offered.

Ted CurleyJourneymen wiremen at US Electric-International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)

Hello, I'm Ted Curley, a licensed electrician with a wealth of experience in the electrical field. I've launched this platform to share my extensive knowledge and insights with you. My journey in the electrical field spans over a decade, during which I have cultivated a deep understanding and expertise in various roles. Let me take you through my journey and my passion for electricity and space heaters. If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a line at

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