Wall Heater Types: How To Make The Right Choice

Steve Donaldson Master HVAC technician
Steve Donaldson
Master HVAC technician at Quality Comfort Home Services

I am Steve Donaldson, a Master HVAC technician with a rich background in addressing heating issues, especially when it comes to various types of water heaters. Leveraging my extensive expertise, I offer insights and advice to help individuals maintain a warm and secure home environment. Reach out to me at steve.donaldson@tedreviews.com for valuable tips from a seasoned professional in the industry.

Steve Donaldson Master HVAC technician
Steve Donaldson
Master HVAC technician at Quality Comfort Home Services

I am Steve Donaldson, a Master HVAC technician with a rich background in addressing heating issues, especially when it comes to various types of water heaters. Leveraging my extensive expertise, I offer insights and advice to help individuals maintain a warm and secure home environment. Reach out to me at steve.donaldson@tedreviews.com for valuable tips from a seasoned professional in the industry.

There is a huge variety of wall heater types on the modern market of heating technologies. Wall heaters can be distinguished according to the used fuel source and the implemented technology type.

Fuel Types Used to Power Wall Heaters

Electric Wall Heaters

direct vent wall heater

Natural Gas Wall Heaters

Dyna-Glo 30,000 BTU Vent Free Infrared Liquid Propane Thermostatic Wall Heater

Propane Wall Heaters

Reddy Heater Dual-Fuel Wall Heater

Dual Fuel Wall Heaters

Technology Types Implemented into the Wall Heaters

  • Convection Wall Heaters;
  • Forced Air Wall Heaters;
  • Micathermic Wall Heaters;
  • Radiant Wall Heaters;
  • Halogen Wall Heaters;
  • Hydroponic Radiant Wall Heaters;
  • Vent Free Wall Heaters;
  • Wall Heaters with Fan;
  • Wall Heaters with Thermostat;
  • Fireplace Wall Heaters;
  • Panel Wall Heaters;
  • Baseboard Wall Heaters;
  • Industrial Wall Heaters;
  • Outdoor Wall Heaters.

Of course, it is quite easy to get lost amongst such a wide range of different types and usage applications, especially for a non-professional customer. That is why there are several important rules for choosing the most suitable residential wall heater. When making a choice it is highly recommended to ask oneself several questions:

What Is the Most Comfortable Heater?

The best choice here may well be the Convection Wall Heater. It is usually surfaced mounted and is produced in variable sizes and wattages. The heat circulating workflow of such a heater is quite easy and understandable. The heat produced by a convection wall heater circulates throughout the room and covers the whole space of the room. As a result, it provides the most comfortable heating process out of all other types of heating systems.

What Is the Safest Wall Heater?

Baseboard Heaters are probably the safest type of wall heaters, but still, they have a lot of negative features, like dust build-up, a danger for children sticking their fingers into the heater’s openings, large sizes; and short life span.

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Fan Forced Heaters do not possess the safest design; they can be somewhat dangerous due to a dust build-up on the heating element; too noisy.

Again, Convection Air Heaters come to the first place according to the safety requirements. They do not provide any access to children; their design is safe enough to protect heating elements from dust and other dangers; they are totally silent, and have a significantly long life span. Though, their cost rate is pretty high, compared to other types of wall heaters.

What Is the Most Economical Wall Heater?

This question primarily depends on the proper sizing of the heaters in accordance with the room requirements. Moreover, it is important to pay attention to the controlling element. A thermostat controlling device determines when to turn on and off the heating system. Correctly chosen digital thermostats can increase the efficiency level up to 30%.

There is a huge variety of wall heater types, but almost all of them can be found in one place which is the Amazon online market.

Steve Donaldson Master HVAC technician
Steve DonaldsonMaster HVAC technician at Quality Comfort Home Services

I am Steve Donaldson, a Master HVAC technician with a rich background in addressing heating issues, especially when it comes to various types of water heaters. Leveraging my extensive expertise, I offer insights and advice to help individuals maintain a warm and secure home environment. Reach out to me at steve.donaldson@tedreviews.com for valuable tips from a seasoned professional in the industry.

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